Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My furry babies

I LOVE my furry babies! Even the beagle, I suppose, who is the best car dog EVER, even if Brandon won't acknowledge that fact.

This is Snoopy the beagle. We found him at Plano Pets in July 2007, just after our bassett hound, Flash, passed away.

He was on "sale," and came with a free bed. A bargain, if you don't take into account the long list of things he's eaten since then. Countless papers (the dog really WILL eat your homework -- who knew?!), packs of gum, Barbie dolls, a plastic horse (a tragedy of unprecedented size - we had to have a funeral), pens, pencils (LOVES pencils), purse handles (never the purse), empty boxes, full boxes, Webkinz (although in Snoopy's defense they look like his toys), and his all time favorite -- anything that belongs to, has been near, or (horrors) has come out of the cat. He LOVES wearing clothes.

Shaggy the rabbit (shown here with Puddy the cat) is my #1 favorite! He stays in my bedroom, and gets the run of the place when we put up the baby gate. The BIGGEST bunny rule? Don't try to touch his yellow plastic Teletubby, Lala! He defends her violently!

Puddy the cat. Added to the Broyles household in January 2003, her "real" name is Kellie Kitty, but she has no idea. She's extremely small, and I worried about her for the first 4 years or so; finally, the vet told me that my cat is just petite and I should stop bringing her to the vet to have her probed.

It was the one and only time Puddy agreed with the vet.

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