Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our daughter, the Candidate

Emily ran for student council Treasurer this year. Click here to see her speech! Two weeks were completely absorbed by speech writing and poster making, not to mention extensive work on the campaign slogan. ("Be worry free with Emily B.!")

Four kids ran for Treasurer, and Emily emerged victorious. Her best friend, Makenzie, is the Vice President.

#1 thing I think Emily learned about campaigning -- It's hard to get everything you want to say into your speech when you have a 2-minute time limit. And somehow it's your little sister's fault.

#1 thing I learned about campaigning -- Campaign posters will require your entire stash of expensive scrapbooking ultra-fine glitter.

#1 thing Brandon learned about campaigning -- pre-teen girls get just as upset about campaigning as they do about everything else, even when they win.

#1 thing Snoopy learned about campaigning -- Glitter sticks to beagles, and it doesn't come off easily, but if you crawl under the couch Mom can't brush you anymore. Also, glitter is good to lick.

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